= Difficulty
1. (n) = Newcomer = easiest dances, no experience required
2. (b) = Beginner = foundation step sequences, bas
3. (-i) = Improver = slightly harder step sequences, added simple turns
4. (ei) = Easy Intermediate = longer dances mainly of same complexity
5. (i) = Intermediate = more complex sequences, turns become more prevalent
6. (i+) = Hard Intermediate = complex sequences often including syncopated counts
7. (a) = Advanced = most complex sequences
= Feel
- How well the beat and steps of the dance reflect the music...
1. M = Musta = matches so well it makes me feel like I musta dance that one ASAP!
2. W = Wanta = really good match that makes me want to dance that one, but I can put it off...
3. S = Shoulda = okay match where the dance has been proven.
= How old/popular the dance is
- Note these have no set definitions presently, so may differ from other clubs
- N = New = within 6 months of release, still to make a significant impact on popular lists
- L = Local = popular dances but only within certain clubs rather than widespread
- P = Popular = showing up in the current top dance charts or as being done at a number of socials (making it widespread still)
- R = Recent = recently popular but appears to be falling out of favour
- G = Golden = a popular or local that remains in favour towards 2 years or more since its release.
- C = Classic = a popular of more than 5 years still being done or often revised on a widespread basis
- V = Vintage = a blanket term that includes both Golden & Classic
- S = Split = only included for being a split floor to a higher ranked dance
- K = Keep = old ones that are Musta grade that I enjoy regularly revising
- Y = Young at Heart = most are recent music releases, many require extra fitness levels. seen being done on channels but not widely picked up.
- O = Old = seems to have gone out of fashion
MG = Musta Gentle
MM = Musta Move
RB = Radio Beginners
RI = Radio Intermediate
RH = Radio Homework
RS = Radio Split
MF = Musta Fun
V1 = Vintage 1
V2 = Vintage 2
V3 = Vintage 3
V4 = Vintage 4
OP = Other Populars
OC = Other Considers
OO = Other Older
OR = Other Requests
OD = Other Dropped